The Cure for Coloring Fatigue Syndrome*

Okay, quick question—what the heck happened to summer?

Apparently we are officially in “sweater weather”; pumpkin spice everything, and soon, the start of Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel (yay!). Of course, I live in Florida, so sweater weather here is scheduled for the middle two weeks of January—then back to tee shirts!

But for most of you, it also is the beginning of Coloring Season! You know, cozy blankets, a cat or two surrounded by an array of colored pencils and cute markers?

I have been busy this year producing a lot of books (since drawing is my favorite, right after smiling**).

I have identified a (highly un-scientific) syndrome called “Coloring Fatigue Syndrome”*, that feeling you get when you open a coloring book and just feel like the page is too complicated to even start. Well, I found the cure, my friend!

It starts with s-l-o-w-i-n-g down and making things e-a-s-y on ourselves. We tend to get rusty when we’ve been away from something for too long —even with a hobby we love!  So if you feel you’ve lost your mojo, go the easy route, I suspect that you’ll be back to your colorful self in no time!

(And oh, by the way? we have a whole selection of Large Print coloring books that could be just the ticket to get you started—see them all here)

Coloring Cafe-Large Print Adult Coloring Books
Fun Large Print Coloring Books from The Coloring Cafe.
Coloring Cafe FREE Coloring Page-Autumn

And while you are enjoying fall (no matter what the temperature is in your neck of the woods), I’ve made a cute free coloring page for you to download and print that poses the age-old question: “Apple or Pumpkin”? (I am personally “Team Apple”, but I totally support you Pumpkin people)!

You can download the free coloring page here.

And happy “almost the holidays”, my friend!

*This isn’t a real syndrome—I made it up!

**Christmas movie reference!

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